Thursday, September 29, 2011

LA Visit

On SEP 24 we flew out to to spend a week visiting with my sister and seeing the rest of the family in the area. Carol, also got to see her long time friend Becki.This gave us a week of time to visit before getting on a cruise ship to return to Tampa via the Panama Canal.
My niece Sue had a get-together at her house for most of the family to gather and visit. This allowed us to see a lot of the relatives without traveling too much.
Here is Sue and Steve Besch with my sister, Jeannie.

Carol is visiting with my niece Nancy and her husband Gregg.
We got the opportunity to go to dinner with nephew Jack and here is Jeannie, me and Jack at the restaurant.
Being in the LA gives Carol the opportunity to visit with her friend Becki. We got to go to lunch with her and her husband Don and had a good time visiting. Then on Saturday morning OCT 1 my sister drove us to Long Beach and we got on the Norwegian Star for our 15 day cruise to Tampa via the Panama Canal