Friday, February 18, 2011

Riverwalk Birthday Party

It was one year ago on February 18, 2010 the the Co-operative closed the deal on the purchase of Riverwalk by the residents. So naturally it was an occasion to celebrate with a birthday cake ... made by Marilyn Lopes and Carol helping on the icing
Naturally there was plenty of food for all who came and there were probably 250 or so that came.

Marilyn was the super cake server.

Of course we had music and ...........
there was dancing in the streets.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Riverwalk Fashion Show

Each year Riverwalk has a fashion show. It helps raise money for the Social Club. Once again, Carol was one of the models but she was not very pleased with the outfits they had for her to model. Here is one of the better looking ones.

There were a total of five models and here they are in their final outfits.

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

More Cruise Fun

Here are are a few pictures of our cruise activities. We had an acceptable cabin except a lifeboat blocked our view out of the 2 oval portholes we had in the cabin. But we did not spend that much time there anyway! Even though we were at sea when the Steelers were playing in the championship game, we got to watch it on the very large screen in the atrium. It made you feel like you were in the game.

We did go ashore in Samana, Dominican Republic but it was not all that interesting. It is a very small town and is still developing as a port for cruise ships. Carol did find a few interesting items at the vendors tents!

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Margarita Time

Carol was not the only one enjoying herself on the ship. One of the bars had low cost Margarita's each evening and we (at least Jim) had to try them one evening. They passed our test!!

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Diving in Tortola

When we docked in Tortola, British Virgin Islands I had arranged for a Scuba dive on the wreck of the RMS Rhone. This ship sunk during a hurricane in the 1860's.. It was a 300 foot long ship and it now broken into two parts. These pictures were taken around the forward part of the ship which is the largest segment. In one of the pictures you can see we actually swam through some of the ship. While going through, we saw 2 large turtles having lunch on some of the stuff on the ship. I missed getting their picture though.

The wreck is in about 78 feet of water. The water temperature was 75F but did not feel too cool as I had on a shortie wet suit and a full length "skin". We went down our boat's anchor line and then swam into the current to reach the wreck.The current was somewhat strong but that made the swim back to our anchor line easy.

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